Tag: NGO
Ep 13. The Native Seals & Why a lot need Rescuing – Melanie, Seal Rescue Ireland
I had the absolute pleasure of visiting Seal Rescue Ireland in Courtown to interview Melanie. Her extensive knowledge of conservation made this a really enjoyable educational episode, although sometimes very saddening due to how Seals are suffering at the hands of humans. Have a listen, share it around and be the eyes and ears of SRI when you’re out along the coast.
Ep 10. Why we are Sick of Plastic! – Claudia Tormey, Friends of the Earth
Episode 10 is here already! This one specifically looks at plastic and I talk to Claudia Tormey about it. Claudia works for Friends of the Earth and runs their #SickOfPlastic campaign.
Ep 5. Tackling Plastic on our Beaches & Canals with Clean Coasts – Richard Curtin
Episode 5 is all about the plastic pollution invading our coastlines and how it’s getting there. We talk to Richard from Clean Coasts to learn how to deal with it!
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